5 Star rating system component (with flash)
This version uses Flash to display the votes, we also have newer version that uses JavaScript. Use the newer version unless you want to place the stars inside a swf flash file.
This is very easy to use 5 star rating system for your web site, you can use this product so that users can vote for your products, music, videos, pictures or any other listings you have on your web site, so that the other users will know how good a certain listing is by the score (stars) and the number of votes.
Here is a sample of the five star rating system:
No database is needed, no coding needed.
It is very easy to use, you will get all the source files, however you will only need 2 files for this system: rating.swf and rating.php, all you have to do is insert the swf in your page just like any other flash content and have the rating.php in same directory.
Download Rating System with Flash
Rating system with flash includes 2 versions:
VERSION 1: id of item to be rated is set by file name.
(easier to use) allows you to have different items to be rated just by duplicating and renaming the swf and php file, for example:
rate_video1.swf + rate_video1.php
rate_video2.swf + rate_video2.php
rate_video3.swf + rate_video3.php
After you have the files named like above than insert the swf flash files in your html page and you are ready.
VERSION 2: id of item to be rated is set by html code.
The second version of this product allows you to set the ID of the item to be rated by html code, in this version you will need only one of rating.swf and one rating.php file and in your html code after the path to swf file enter your listing ID like this:
<param name="movie" value="rating_id.swf?id=10542" />
The only requirement will be that you host needs to allow you to have php pages on your site. (Almost any web host allows you to have php pages).
No coding or database is needed.
The system has 3 ways of checking for duplicate votes (including checking the clients IP address).
Another great feature is that users never leave the page or refresh the current page when voting, everything will take place inside the swf place. See the sample above to see how it works.
Optionally you can have multiple colors or styles by editing the fla source file.
These are only images for preview, to test the rating system use the sample above.